Source code for edalize.xcelium

# Copyright edalize contributors
# Licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

import os
import logging

from edalize.edatool import Edatool

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

MAKE_HEADER = """#Generated by Edalize
ifeq (, $(shell which xmroot))
$(error "No Xcelium installation in $(PATH)")

XCELIUM_HOME = $(shell xmroot)

CC ?= gcc
CFLAGS := -c -std=c99 -fPIC -fno-stack-protector -g

LD ?= ld
LDFLAGS := -shared -E

#Only 32 bits is currently supported
CFLAGS  += -m32
LDFLAGS += -melf_i386

RM ?= rm
INCS := -I$(XCELIUM_HOME)/tools/include

XRUN ?= $(XCELIUM_HOME)/tools/bin/xrun

TOPLEVEL      := {toplevel}
VPI_MODULES   := {modules}
PARAMETERS    ?= {parameters}
PLUSARGS      ?= {plusargs}
XMSIM_OPTIONS ?= {xmsim_options}
XRUN_OPTIONS  ?= {xrun_options}
EXTRA_OPTIONS ?= $(XRUN_OPTIONS) $(if $(XMSIM_OPTIONS),-xmsimargs '$(XMSIM_OPTIONS)',) $(addprefix -defparam ,$(PARAMETERS)) $(addprefix +,$(PLUSARGS))

XRUN_CALL = $(XRUN) -q -f edalize_main.f $(addprefix -pli ,$(VPI_MODULES)) $(EXTRA_OPTIONS) -top $(TOPLEVEL)



run-gui: $(VPI_MODULES)
	$(XRUN_CALL) -gui -access rwc

clean: {clean_targets}

{name}_OBJS := {objs}
{name}_LIBS := {libs}
{name}_INCS := $(INCS) {incs}

$({name}_OBJS): %.o : %.c
	$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $({name}_INCS) -o $@ $<

{name}: $({name}_OBJS)
	$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $? $({name}_LIBS)

	$(RM) $({name}_OBJS) {name}

[docs] class Xcelium(Edatool): argtypes = ["plusarg", "vlogdefine", "vlogparam", "generic"]
[docs] @classmethod def get_doc(cls, api_ver): if api_ver == 0: return { "description": "Xcelium simulator from Cadence Design Systems", "lists": [ { "name": "xmvhdl_options", "type": "String", "desc": "Additional options for compilation with xmvhdl", }, { "name": "xmvlog_options", "type": "String", "desc": "Additional options for compilation with xmvlog", }, { "name": "xmsim_options", "type": "String", "desc": "Additional run options for xmsim", }, { "name": "xrun_options", "type": "String", "desc": "Additional run options for xrun", }, ], }
def _write_build_rtl_f_file(self, tcl_main): tcl_build_rtl = open(os.path.join(self.work_root, "edalize_build_rtl.f"), "w") (src_files, incdirs) = self._get_fileset_files() vlog_include_dirs = ["+incdir+" + d.replace("\\", "/") for d in incdirs] libs = [] for f in src_files: if not f.logical_name: f.logical_name = "worklib" if f.file_type.startswith("verilogSource") or f.file_type.startswith( "systemVerilogSource" ): cmd = "xmvlog" args = [] args += self.tool_options.get("xmvlog_options", []) # Sort dictionary items, to ensure stable output, which makes testing easier for k, v in self.vlogdefine.items(): args += ["+define+{}={}".format(k, self._param_value_str(v))] if f.file_type.startswith("systemVerilogSource"): args += ["-sv"] args += vlog_include_dirs elif f.file_type.startswith("vhdlSource"): cmd = "xmvhdl" if f.file_type.endswith("-93"): args = ["-v93"] if f.file_type.endswith("-2008"): args = ["-v200x"] else: args = [] args += self.tool_options.get("xmvhdl_options", []) elif f.file_type == "tclSource": cmd = None tcl_main.write("-input {}\n".format( elif f.file_type == "user": cmd = None else: _s = "{} has unknown file type '{}'" logger.warning(_s.format(, f.file_type)) cmd = None if cmd: args += ["\\", "/")] line = "-makelib {} {} -endlib".format(f.logical_name, " ".join(args)) tcl_build_rtl.write(line + "\n") def _write_makefile(self): vpi_make = open(os.path.join(self.work_root, "Makefile"), "w") _parameters = [] for key, value in self.vlogparam.items(): _parameters += ["{}={}".format(key, self._param_value_str(value))] for key, value in self.generic.items(): _parameters += [ "{}={}".format(key, self._param_value_str(value, bool_is_str=True)) ] _plusargs = [] for key, value in self.plusarg.items(): _plusargs += ["{}={}".format(key, self._param_value_str(value))] _xmsim_options = self.tool_options.get("xmsim_options", []) _xrun_options = self.tool_options.get("xrun_options", []) _modules = [m["name"] for m in self.vpi_modules] _clean_targets = " ".join(["clean_" + m for m in _modules]) _s = MAKE_HEADER.format( toplevel=self.toplevel, parameters=" ".join(_parameters), plusargs=" ".join(_plusargs), xmsim_options=" ".join(_xmsim_options), xrun_options=" ".join(_xrun_options), modules=" ".join(_modules), clean_targets=_clean_targets, ) vpi_make.write(_s) for vpi_module in self.vpi_modules: _name = vpi_module["name"] _objs = [os.path.splitext(s)[0] + ".o" for s in vpi_module["src_files"]] _libs = ["-l" + l for l in vpi_module["libs"]] _incs = ["-I" + d for d in vpi_module["include_dirs"]] _s = VPI_MAKE_SECTION.format( name=_name, objs=" ".join(_objs), libs=" ".join(_libs), incs=" ".join(_incs), ) vpi_make.write(_s) vpi_make.close()
[docs] def configure_main(self): tcl_main = open(os.path.join(self.work_root, "edalize_main.f"), "w") tcl_main.write("-f edalize_build_rtl.f\n") self._write_build_rtl_f_file(tcl_main) self._write_makefile() tcl_main.close()
[docs] def run_main(self): args = ["run"] # Set plusargs if self.plusarg: plusargs = [] for key, value in self.plusarg.items(): plusargs += ["{}={}".format(key, self._param_value_str(value))] args.append("PLUSARGS=" + " ".join(plusargs)) self._run_tool("make", args)