Source code for edalize.quartus

# Copyright edalize contributors
# Licensed under the 2-Clause BSD License, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-2-Clause

import logging
import os.path
import os
import platform
import subprocess
import re
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
from functools import partial
from edalize.edatool import Edatool
from edalize.utils import get_file_type

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class Quartus(Edatool): argtypes = ["vlogdefine", "vlogparam", "generic"] # Define Standard edition to be our default version isPro = False makefile_template = { False: "quartus-std-makefile.j2", True: "quartus-pro-makefile.j2", }
[docs] @classmethod def get_doc(cls, api_ver): if api_ver == 0: return { "description": "The Quartus backend supports Intel Quartus Std and Pro editions to build systems and program the FPGA", "members": [ { "name": "family", "type": "String", "desc": "FPGA family (e.g. Cyclone V)", }, { "name": "device", "type": "String", "desc": "FPGA device (e.g. 5CSXFC6D6F31C8ES)", }, { "name": "cable", "type": "String", "desc": "Specifies the FPGA's JTAG programming cable. Use the tool `jtagconfig` to determine the available cables.", }, { "name": "board_device_index", "type": "Integer", "desc": "Specifies the FPGA's device number in the JTAG chain. The device index specifies the device where the flash programmer looks for the NiosĀ® II JTAG debug module. JTAG devices are numbered relative to the JTAG chain, starting at 1. Use the tool `jtagconfig` to determine the index.", }, { "name": "pnr", "type": "String", "desc": "P&R tool. Allowed values are quartus (default), dse (to run Design Space Explorer) and none (to just run synthesis)", }, { "name": "pgm", "type": "String", "desc": "Programming tool. Default is 'none', set to 'quartus' to program the FPGA in the run stage.", }, ], "lists": [ { "name": "dse_options", "type": "String", "desc": "Options for DSE (Design Space Explorer)", }, { "name": "quartus_options", "type": "String", "desc": "Additional options for Quartus", }, ], }
def __init__(self, edam=None, work_root=None, eda_api=None, verbose=False): """ Initial setup of the class. This calls the parent constructor, but also identifies whether the current system is using a Standard or Pro edition of Quartus. """ if not edam: edam = eda_api super(Quartus, self).__init__(edam, work_root, eda_api, verbose) # Acquire quartus_sh identification information from available tool if # possible. We always default to version 18.1 Standard if a problem is encountered version = { "major": "18", "minor": "1", "patch": "0", "date": "01/01/2019", "edition": "Standard", } try: qsh_text = subprocess.Popen( ["quartus_sh", "--version"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, env=os.environ ).communicate()[0] # Attempt to pattern match the output. Examples include # Version 16.1.2 Build 203 01/18/2017 SJ Standard Edition # Version 17.1.2 Build 304 01/31/2018 SJ Pro Edition version_exp = ( r"Version (?P<major>\d+)\.(?P<minor>\d+)\.(?P<patch>\d+) " + r"Build (?P<build>\d+) (?P<date>\d{2}/\d{2}/\d{4}) (?:\w+) " + r"(?P<edition>(Lite|Standard|Pro)) Edition" ) match =, str(qsh_text)) if match != None: version = match.groupdict() except: # It is possible for this to have been run on a box without # Quartus being installed. Allow these errors to be ignored logger.warning("Unable to recognise Quartus version via quartus_sh") self.isPro = version["edition"] == "Pro" # Quartus Pro 17 and later use 1/0 for boolean generics. Other editions # and versions use "true"/"false" strings if (version["edition"] != "Pro") or (int(version["major"]) < 17): self.jinja_env.filters["generic_value_str"] = partial( self.jinja_env.filters["generic_value_str"], bool_is_str=True )
[docs] def configure_main(self): """ Configuration is the first phase of the build. This writes the project TCL files and Makefile. It first collects all sources, IPs and constraints and then writes them to the TCL file along with the build steps. """ (src_files, incdirs) = self._get_fileset_files(force_slash=True) self.jinja_env.filters["src_file_filter"] = self.src_file_filter self.jinja_env.filters["qsys_file_filter"] = self.qsys_file_filter has_vhdl2008 = "vhdlSource-2008" in [x.file_type for x in src_files] has_qsys = "QSYS" in [x.file_type for x in src_files] escaped_name =".", "_") template_vars = { "name": escaped_name, "src_files": src_files, "incdirs": incdirs, "tool_options": self.tool_options, "toplevel": self.toplevel, "vlogparam": self.vlogparam, "vlogdefine": self.vlogdefine, "generic": self.generic, "has_vhdl2008": has_vhdl2008, } # Render Makefile based on detected version self.render_template( self.makefile_template[self.isPro], "Makefile", { "name": escaped_name, "src_files": src_files, "tool_options": self.tool_options, }, ) # Render the TCL project file self.render_template( "quartus-project.tcl.j2", escaped_name + ".tcl", template_vars )
# Filter for just QSYS files. This verifies that they are compatible # with the identified Quartus version
[docs] def qsys_file_filter(self, f): name = "" if get_file_type(f) == "QSYS": # Compatibility checks try: qsysTree = ET.parse(os.path.join(self.work_root, try: try: tool = qsysTree.find("component").attrib["tool"] except AttributeError: tool = qsysTree.find( ".//{}tool" ).text if tool == "QsysPro": if self.isPro: name = elif not self.isPro: name = except (AttributeError, KeyError): # Either a component wasn't found in the QSYS file, or it # had no associated tool information. Make the assumption # it is a Standard edition file, as the old formats just # don't specify. if not self.isPro: name = except (ET.ParseError, IOError): logger.warning("Unable to parse QSYS file " + # Give QSYS files special attributes to make the logic in # the Jinja2 templates much simplier setattr(f, "simplename", os.path.basename(".qsys")[0]) setattr(f, "srcdir", os.path.dirname( or ".") setattr(f, "dstdir", os.path.join("qsys", f.simplename)) return name
# Allow the templates to get source file information
[docs] def src_file_filter(self, f): def _append_library(f): s = "" if f.logical_name: s += " -library " + f.logical_name return s def _handle_qsys(t, f): # Quartus Pro just passes QSYS files onto the compiler, but Standard # expects to see them sepecified as QIP. The Makefile is responsible # for creating that QIP file for Standard edition in a known place # which can be used below if self.isPro: return _handle_src(t, f) else: = os.path.join(f.dstdir, f.simplename + ".qip") f.file_type = "QIP" return _handle_src("QIP_FILE", f) def _handle_src(t, f): s = "set_global_assignment -name " + t s += _append_library(f) s += " " + return s def _handle_tcl(f): return "source " + file_mapping = { "verilogSource": partial(_handle_src, "VERILOG_FILE"), "systemVerilogSource": partial(_handle_src, "SYSTEMVERILOG_FILE"), "vhdlSource": partial(_handle_src, "VHDL_FILE"), "SDC": partial(_handle_src, "SDC_FILE"), "QSYS": partial(_handle_qsys, "QSYS_FILE"), "QIP": partial(_handle_src, "QIP_FILE"), "IP": partial(_handle_src, "IP_FILE"), "tclSource": partial(_handle_tcl), } _file_type = get_file_type(f) if _file_type in file_mapping: return file_mapping[_file_type](f) elif _file_type == "user": return "" else: _s = "{} has unknown file type '{}'" logger.warning(_s.format(, f.file_type)) return ""
[docs] def build_main(self):"Building") args = [] if "pnr" in self.tool_options: if self.tool_options["pnr"] == "quartus": pass elif self.tool_options["pnr"] == "dse": args.append("dse") elif self.tool_options["pnr"] == "none": args.append("syn") self._run_tool("make", args, quiet=True)
[docs] def run_main(self): """ Program the FPGA. """ args = ["--mode=jtag"] if "cable" in self.tool_options: args += ["-c", self.tool_options["cable"]] args += ["-o"] args += ["p;" +".", "_") + ".sof"] if ("pgm" not in self.tool_options) or (self.tool_options["pgm"] != "quartus"): return if "board_device_index" in self.tool_options: args[-1] += "@" + self.tool_options["board_device_index"] self._run_tool("quartus_pgm", args)